Tehran University of Medical Sciences International Scholarship Program


Tehran University of Medical Sciences International Scholarship Program for Academic Year 2012 TUMS Scholarship Program is a scholarship program set up by TUMS-IC to encourage international students and scholars to pursue their studies and research at TUMS-IC. The scholarship aims to increase the mutual understanding and scientific exchange of scholars and students of Iran, and scholars and students from other parts of the world. TUMS is the best university in the field of medical sciences in Iran and it has been ranked the second-best medical university in the Middle East. Value of the scholarship : it varies from 3,000 to 15,000 US$. The scholarship covers studentsfirst transport from the airport, housing, partial food plans, computer labs, sports and student union membership, library, and Internet access. Scholar ship Offers for Fields of Study: Undergraduate Levels M.D. or Doctor of Medicine, D.D.S. or Doctor of Dental Surgery, Pharm.D. or Doctor in Pharmacy, B.Sc. Graduate Levels M.Sc, Ph.D, Subspecialty, Specialty


Eligibility: For undergraduate level of studies: the applicant must have finished high school. For graduate level of studies: the applicant must have obtained an undergraduate degree in the field related to her/his desired field of study.


Language Proficiency: The teaching language will be in English. The applicant need to have proof of English language ability to write, read, and understand. Our official language is Persian/Farsi and we will assist those who wish to pursue their education in Persian/Farsi. Important Note: The scholarship is only for non-Iranian citizens/ International students.


How to Apply: Applicants must forward their Applications through Online from http://ic.tums.ac.ir/en/page-4293.htm Once the application has been submitted successfully, the Scholarship Coordinator will contact the prospective student and give instructions for submitting further documents. Application Deadline: 31 December 2011